The mission of Compass kids Ministry is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Kids ministry comes alongside to lay a solid biblical foundation from infant through 5th grade.



the weekend service

Kids Ministry is available for each weekend kids from infants through 5th grade.  Our infants through three years old learn age appropriate lessons from God’s word, the Bible by using a Play n’ Worship Curriculum. Fours through fifth grade learn the same Bible passage making reinforcing Bible truths at home easy and fun. Please be sure to pick up the weekly take-home paper after class to read about what your child is learning from God’s word that week.  On this page there are some ideas of how to go deeper with your child and how to continue to further their knowledge about what they just learned.  We are absolutely privileged to be partnering with you and pouring into the next generation for God’s glory alone.

Adventure Club

There’s no greater privilege than participating in ministry and no greater joy than seeing children grow in his or her understanding and application of God’s word.

Adventure Club is our mid-week program that comes alongside adult Life Groups to teach systematic theology to our Compass kids.

A variety of positions are available to serve with varying levels of responsibility and time commitments.

Compass Friends

A ministry embedded within Compass kids Ministry that provides someone with a disability a one on one support person to help them better participate in Kids Ministry.

If your family is interested in the Compass Friends Ministry, please click the Join us button and fill out our Student Assessment Form and we will reach out to you. We look forward to meeting and serving your family. We are currently able to provide Compass Friends at the 10:30am service.

A Buddy provides individualized support that is tailored to the unique needs of the individual they are serving. Please prayerfully consider and then click the Compass Friends Volunteer button to join this team and fill out the application to serve.


Parents Connect

Sign up for "Parents Connect", our weekly update where we share what your child learned over the weekend while attending Compass Kids Ministry.

Our desire is that you would review the information and use the prompts we've provided to engage with your child through the Bible.


Upcoming Events

Compass Kids Ministry Calendar