
College-age Ministry


Rooted exists to connect college-age people with Christ, the church, and each other, forming them into passionate, lifelong disciples of Jesus who cherish and serve the Church.


Meeting information

We meet for dinner, fellowship, a message, and small-group discussion on Wednesdays at 6:00pm at 6151 North Discovery Way, Boise, ID 83713


To contact Cody you can fill out the form below.


rooted CalendaR

Most recent sermon


ACTS 18:24-28



You can find all previously recorded messages below.


rooted retreat '24

When we hear the word "worship," our minds naturally go to singing songs in church. While worship is not less than that, it is certainly much more. In fact, we will see how worship should impact every facet of our life as we see how you should "whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the Father through him" (Colossians 3:17). May we learn how best to participate actively in corporate worship and how we can allow worship to be integral in everything we do.

The messages from our retreat can be found in the playlist to the left.