In short, biblical counseling helps people overcome problems and pain by seeking God and His methods of change through the Bible.
If you would like to receive formal biblical counseling from one of our trained counselors, please request counseling below and complete the necessary paperwork. If you would like marriage counseling please have both spouses follow the process and complete the paperwork separately.
What Is Biblical Counseling?
The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe. - Proverbs 18:10
We believe that God has given us all we need to know him and to live in a way that is pleasing to him. The Bible has answers, and it gives us hope and helps us to navigate the issues and problems we face. God has provided everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3-4).
All our difficulties may not disappear, but when we willingly submit to God’s instructions and cling to his promises, we will glorify Him, find hope, and experience the good He has planned for us.
Those who are suffering due to sin or life’s circumstances.
For children and teens, we work in concert with their parents, though direct counsel may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
We joyfully provide counseling to those who are not currently attending a church. We simply require that all who receive ongoing counseling regularly attend Compass Bible Church on Sundays as part of the counseling process.
We currently do not offer counseling to those who faithfully attend another church. We recommend that those who attend another church seek the wisdom and counsel from the pastors who oversee them.
who do we counsel?
Counseling is available for those looking to overcome sin or endure suffering. Some of the issues we help with are: anxiety, depression, anger, fear, grief, trauma, addiction, sexual sin, abuse, marriage, and parenting.
If you don’t see the problem you’re facing listed above but you need help overcoming a problem or enduring a trial, please reach out.
what issues do we address?
Our counseling is free. It is a privilege to minister hope and help from God’s Word. We don’t want money to be in the way of you living life how God intended. Throughout counseling, you may be asked to purchase materials (books or booklets) to further your learning. The cost will not exceed $30.
WHat is the cost?
Interested In being trained to Counsel yourself and others?
We offer two annual courses on Biblical Counseling.
One is six-weeks and aimed at teaching you how to provide biblical counsel to yourself and basic informal counsel to others. If you’re new to biblical counseling or self-counsel, it’s a great place to begin. Visit Compass Classroom to see when the next class is available.
The second course is an intense training course over 30 weeks for those serious about beginning the journey into becoming a formal biblical counselor. It parallels the training for Phase 1 of ACBC Certification. Visit Compass Classroom and scroll down to Ongoing Training to learn more.