Middle School Ministry:

The Grove

Sunday Nights | 5:30-7:30pm

Compass Bible Church Treasure Valley
26151 N Discovery Way Boise, ID 83713

About The Grove

Our prayer and goal is that our students would delight in God; being firmly planted in His Word like trees planted by streams of water, yielding fruit in their season (Psalm 1:1–3). We strive to do this by faithfully teaching God’s Word to the students at Compass Bible Church Treasure Valley.

Ministry Intern:
Maseo Fiorello

Middle School Director:
Johnny Broadworth

Our Main priorities:

Faithful Study of Scripture

Consistent Engagement in Christ-Centered community

Prioritized Relational Discipleship

Upcoming Events

Join us on March 28th at 6pm for a night of fun and fellowship at our second annual Get in The Games Event!

The Grove Calendar


Ignite 2022 Photos

Flannel Fest 2023

Mother Daughter Brunch 2023