We meet for prayer every Sunday morning from 7am to 8am in “The Boiler Room”
The story goes that several young college students were spending a Sunday in London. At some point, they decided to visit Charles Spurgeon’s church to hear him preach. They arrived before the doors opened so they waited outside of the church. Eventually, a man greeted them saying, "Gentlemen, let me show you around. Would you like to see the boiler room of this church?" It was in the middle of hot July so they weren't that excited to visit the "boiler room", but they didn’t want to offend the man so they joined him on the tour.
The young men were guided downstairs and they came to a door where their guide slowly and quietly opened the door as he whispered, "This is our boiler room."
The young college students were overwhelmed with what they saw! There were 700 people bowed, praying for the church service that was about to start in the auditorium above. Their guide gently closed the door and then introduced himself. It was Charles Spurgeon, himself.
Spurgeon had a powerful preaching ministry because his church had a genuine reliance on prayer to provide the power necessary to reach, teach, and train souls for Jesus Christ!
Our 5th distinctive is that we have a genuine reliance on prayer and our Boiler Room Ministry is one of the ways that we practically apply this distinctive.
What happens at a Boiler Room prayer meeting?
We invite everyone from the church to meet weekly to pray for the church. During each meeting one of the pastors will guide the group through various prayer topics, praying for the most pressing needs of the church, our valley, and the world.
Will you join us for one of our upcoming prayer meetings?
We gather for our Boiler Room prayer meetings every Sunday morning, 7:00am-8:00am, in the Boiler Room space, which you can find down the hallway that leads to the side auditorium entrance. We look forward to joining together with you to pray before our services each weekend.