we want to raise up men to seek the Lord earnestly through His Word and faithfully fulfill their calling in the church, at home, and in the world.
Compass Men gather for breakfast every other month, where we worship, hear a message, and join in a discussion. We also gather together for fellowship and fun competition outings throughout the year. Every Fall, we go away for our annual Men’s Retreat.
Some Value Leagues
Based on 1 Timothy 4:8, these mini-seasons of popular sports are designed for relationship building and exercise with men from inside or outside the church. We believe they’ll be of some value to you!
Our first league will be 3 on 3 basketball. Three weeks of half-court 3 on 3 play in which you’ll compete in 10 total games, followed by a fourth week for Elite 8 playoffs.
Men's Breakfast
Men's Breakfast
March 22, 2025 - 8am
Men, join us for our next breakfast. We will worship God together, hear pointed preaching from the Word, and discuss what we’ve learned at our tables.
Free event. Great food provided.
most recent Message
Men & Marriage by Pastor Stephen Duwe on 1/11/25
Men’s retreat ‘24: Well worn - messages
Our 4th annual Compass Bible Church Men’s Retreat in McCall, Idaho focused on being well worn in life for Christ. Four messages called us to study, pray, serve, and focus on Christ. Click below for retreat messages.