music ministry
Our goal in the music ministry is to help Compass Bible Church Treasure Valley worship God in spirit and truth through music (John 4:24). Our whole lives should be dedicated to worshipping God, and musical worship is just one expression of that (Psalms 148–150; 1 Corinthians 10:31). We strive to praise God with Scripture-saturated songs that exalt Him, instruct our hearts, and build up the body of Christ (Colossians 3:16). We know that God wants our hearts in worship, and if He doesn’t have our hearts, nothing else matters (Hosea 6:6; Amos 5:23; Matthew 6:21). We as musicians aim to play with undistracting excellence for the Lord (Psalm 33:3). We pray that all glory, honor, and praise be to our God (Revelation 5:13).
Featured playlist
Having trouble remembering a song from last week’s service—or maybe you want to get a head start on this week’s service so you can know the songs and worship with confidence? Here are links to last and this week’s worship sets.
musician resources
If you serve in the music ministry, we have compiled some links to resources that we believe will help you to serve to the best of your ability.
Click here for musician resources.
learning to
Here are some articles that we have found helpful and would like to share with you!
Love to Forget Yourself
How Singing Weakens Pride
Serve on the team
Are you looking to get involved in the music ministry? Follow this link to fill out an application! Curious what the application process looks like? Click here to find out the process and what you can expect.
Johnny Broadworth, Worship Director;
Tim Plaster, Assistant Worship Director
in one accord
Choir application
Please fill out this form if you're interested in joining the choir. We'll then reach out to you about the rehearsal schedule, commitment level, and what it would look like to have you join the team!

spotify playlists
Below are some Spotify playlists that we’ve put together and are updating frequently.
We pray that these serve as a supplement during your week as you musically worship God.
Resurrection Week playlists
Musician Resources
Dial in your mixer - if you’re new to the team, click here to watch a video to learn how to take advantage of all of the features of your in-ear monitor mixer.
Be a good team member - here’s a great video about being an encouraging and helpful music team member.
Sound Plus Doctrine Podcast - excellent Podcast from Sovereign Grace.
Essential Apps - Music Stand — Planning Center — Pro Metronome (for practicing with a click)