Throughout the pages of Scripture we see the narrative unfolding of a war being waged. Humanity has declared war against their Creator, the one true God. Mankind has fashioned idols out of creation—they worship creation rather than their Creator. Kings shake their fists at God. Kingdoms turn their backs on God. False prophets mock God. Nations deny God. Mankind has set up false gods to battle against the one true God, and this battle rages on even today as God is denied, mocked, accused, belittled, and forsaken by His creation—humanity. All 6th-12th graders are invited to come and join us at Quaker Hill in McCall, June 6th-10th for Ignite 2023 as we expose the false gods in our world and seek to discover, worship, and follow the one true God, the great “I AM.” The cost is $350 if you register before May 19th. Register here!
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